Da Whole Truth
When enuff really is enough!
First off let me start by thanking all the people who have been viewing Da Whole Truth broadcasting. Even though it has not yet reached the desired viewing and ratings as yet even if one or two of you are getting the message then my work must continue. Special shout outs to all the vloggers who are using this opportunity to bring awareness to social issues to encourage activism, cause entertainment with purpose is very necessary.
Anyways the topic off this episode today is social behavior. this topic came about while i was taking a look into an Ebony Magazine. The title caught my attention. ''Who you callin' a ..... EBONY Magazine engages Black America in an honest examination of race, language and the culture of disrespect.'' As soon as I saw that title i picked up the magazine and started to read.
The article was talking about the black society and how disrespect has now become one of the celebrated aspects of our unique culture, even more so that of our media culture, from songs of carnel exploitations of women like the ying yang twins hit song ''booty rocking everywhere,'' to the overexploited term of the words like bitch the black society is notorious for making these vulgar terms a playful accessory to the Western vocabulary.
Okay so now that you get a general idea of what this particular article was about let me now let you know how I feel about this topic.
I will start off by saying that this issue is one that i have thought about on my own and never really came to a solidified resolution to help this problem. The question comes about, is it even solvable and, does my individual contribution even matter on the scale that this problem has already escalate to. The greatest issue concerning this is has our mentality taken us to the point where this has actually become part of our identity and culture. Now my brothers, and sistas don't come down on me because of this and viewers of other races im talking about all of the Western society not just black people, we are in the highlight only because this happened to be a black magazine that i was reading. On a whole our Western society tends to glorify disrespect, rather than to frown upon it.
One of the main reasons why we feel that this is acceptable is because we often times do not recognize the consequences of our actions. We don’t recognize that teaching the public that it's okay to call a woman a bitch enough times can result in a spiral drop in self-esteem and force her to take on the persona of a bitch and end up pregnant, on drugs, and suicidal. Okay that might be a little farfetched; so how about calling a girl a bitch just might invoke others to treat her like one resulting her involvement with an abusive man which eventually leads up to her premature death.
Oh and lets not forget the usage of the word nigger. minorities have now taken this word and has embraced it as their own. And it is not only the rap artists who are embracing this negative title but also even elect persons in dignitary positions. What are they thinking some many ask, ''This is our word.'' this is the response with the most popular vote. Well then if that is the case let's take a look at what he meaning of this word is.
According to the oxford dictionary the word nigger means..
1. contemptible,despicable,inferior.
2. a black person. a member of dark-skinned people. A contemptible or inferior person; a socially or economically disadvantaged person.
Now I don't know about anyone else but right about now being called a nigger would be the last thing that I would want. And that was the purpose for this word to offend and classify the black slaves as the inferior species. And now that we have gotten out of slavery we want to keep the title? I don't know about you but I'd rather not. I feel that to have any races name beside a word that describes a lack of human dignity is politically, socially, and morally incorrect. The bottom line is that it is downright disrespectful. Take for example if someone were to place your grandmother's name next to the word whore. I would be very sorry for who ever came up with that idea!
But why should they even care, our Western society has already passed that. We have turned it around and have used it to our advantage. So what if the rest of the world still holds the traditional values and considers my people as inferior beings, and if the other races are succeeding in their attempt to bring us down. I'm still a nigger. That's our word.
Sometimes I wonder where people get their philosophies. However that doesn't stop the problem. When dealing with situations like these where the disrespect in our culture is being celebrated, there is only one resolution. The founder of FuBu said it best. ''I'ts just like business... if you don't like it, then don't support it.'' And even though he didn’t mean it in a positive aspect he was right on.
There is too much evidence that even though we say that we don’t like the messages that our culture tells others about us, and even more educates our young about how they should treat one another, we are still buying up those cds, watching those shows, saying those words, and basically acting ignorant. Where is the ethics? Are we going to continue to prove the generations before us in their constant interrogations that our generation is immoral and grossly intolerable? If this disgusting trend continues to fester then where will we be ten to fifteen years from now? Maybe the first words from a baby’s mouth will no longer be ''momma'' or ''dada'', but rather ''hey hoe!'' or ''What's up my nigga!'' But then again by then we would all just think that it was cute.