Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Hey Everyone! We are putting on a play! And you have the chance to audition to be on the cast. We are working with Suresh Rohin a seasoned Director who has a wonderful portfolio of superior work that he has done throughout the years. This is YOUR time to shine. Sign up for the auditions TODAY and ITS FREE! so visit to register and get on the team. There will be tons of cool insentives for the cast and the team members. ACT NOW!


Have you ever had to make a decision that could change you life? Its not that taking either path would lead you into the realms of destruction anymore then the other however you can only choose one. Which ever one it is that you chose you have to understand that you now have to live with it for the rest of your life.
Sharmaine James embarked upon this issue one day when she hears about the murder of a Youth Community Group leader. The recreational centre would be forced to shut down if Sharmaine didnt step up. Sharmaine would have to choose to give up her childhood dream of going into medical sciences or turn her back on the group of kids who are doing positive things at the rec. Centre.
Sharmaine finds herself in a sticky situation and seeks God for his wisdom and his guidance. When Sharmaine finally makes a decision she gets into a problem with her parents and is kicked out of the house.
Sharmaine goes through a lot of turmoil trying to reassure herself that she made the right decision, always turning to the wisdom and guidance of God to give her comfort. Through this hard time Sharmaine gets the chance to share her experience with her two best friends Jessy and Teresa as well as her cousin Reggie. All of them encourage Sharmaine with their tales of choices and the struggle it takes to come to a good conclusion and they realize that everyone has so go through a time in their life where it seems like everything is just falling apart. The actuality of it is that this is the thing that unities us all as humans.
How will this decision effect Sharmaine and her relationship with her family? Just watch and see.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

When Enuff is Enough! - Culture of Disrespect

Da Whole Truth

When enuff really is enough!

First off let me start by thanking all the people who have been viewing Da Whole Truth broadcasting. Even though it has not yet reached the desired viewing and ratings as yet even if one or two of you are getting the message then my work must continue. Special shout outs to all the vloggers who are using this opportunity to bring awareness to social issues to encourage activism, cause entertainment with purpose is very necessary.

Anyways the topic off this episode today is social behavior. this topic came about while i was taking a look into an Ebony Magazine. The title caught my attention. ''Who you callin' a ..... EBONY Magazine engages Black America in an honest examination of race, language and the culture of disrespect.'' As soon as I saw that title i picked up the magazine and started to read.

The article was talking about the black society and how disrespect has now become one of the celebrated aspects of our unique culture, even more so that of our media culture, from songs of carnel exploitations of women like the ying yang twins hit song ''booty rocking everywhere,'' to the overexploited term of the words like bitch the black society is notorious for making these vulgar terms a playful accessory to the Western vocabulary.

Okay so now that you get a general idea of what this particular article was about let me now let you know how I feel about this topic.

I will start off by saying that this issue is one that i have thought about on my own and never really came to a solidified resolution to help this problem. The question comes about, is it even solvable and, does my individual contribution even matter on the scale that this problem has already escalate to. The greatest issue concerning this is has our mentality taken us to the point where this has actually become part of our identity and culture. Now my brothers, and sistas don't come down on me because of this and viewers of other races im talking about all of the Western society not just black people, we are in the highlight only because this happened to be a black magazine that i was reading. On a whole our Western society tends to glorify disrespect, rather than to frown upon it.

One of the main reasons why we feel that this is acceptable is because we often times do not recognize the consequences of our actions. We don’t recognize that teaching the public that it's okay to call a woman a bitch enough times can result in a spiral drop in self-esteem and force her to take on the persona of a bitch and end up pregnant, on drugs, and suicidal. Okay that might be a little farfetched; so how about calling a girl a bitch just might invoke others to treat her like one resulting her involvement with an abusive man which eventually leads up to her premature death.

Oh and lets not forget the usage of the word nigger. minorities have now taken this word and has embraced it as their own. And it is not only the rap artists who are embracing this negative title but also even elect persons in dignitary positions. What are they thinking some many ask, ''This is our word.'' this is the response with the most popular vote. Well then if that is the case let's take a look at what he meaning of this word is.

According to the oxford dictionary the word nigger means..
1. contemptible,despicable,inferior.
2. a black person. a member of dark-skinned people. A contemptible or inferior person; a socially or economically disadvantaged person.

Now I don't know about anyone else but right about now being called a nigger would be the last thing that I would want. And that was the purpose for this word to offend and classify the black slaves as the inferior species. And now that we have gotten out of slavery we want to keep the title? I don't know about you but I'd rather not. I feel that to have any races name beside a word that describes a lack of human dignity is politically, socially, and morally incorrect. The bottom line is that it is downright disrespectful. Take for example if someone were to place your grandmother's name next to the word whore. I would be very sorry for who ever came up with that idea!

But why should they even care, our Western society has already passed that. We have turned it around and have used it to our advantage. So what if the rest of the world still holds the traditional values and considers my people as inferior beings, and if the other races are succeeding in their attempt to bring us down. I'm still a nigger. That's our word.

Sometimes I wonder where people get their philosophies. However that doesn't stop the problem. When dealing with situations like these where the disrespect in our culture is being celebrated, there is only one resolution. The founder of FuBu said it best. ''I'ts just like business... if you don't like it, then don't support it.'' And even though he didn’t mean it in a positive aspect he was right on.

There is too much evidence that even though we say that we don’t like the messages that our culture tells others about us, and even more educates our young about how they should treat one another, we are still buying up those cds, watching those shows, saying those words, and basically acting ignorant. Where is the ethics? Are we going to continue to prove the generations before us in their constant interrogations that our generation is immoral and grossly intolerable? If this disgusting trend continues to fester then where will we be ten to fifteen years from now? Maybe the first words from a baby’s mouth will no longer be ''momma'' or ''dada'', but rather ''hey hoe!'' or ''What's up my nigga!'' But then again by then we would all just think that it was cute.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

We Fight Because...

We Fight Because…

We fight because we are ignorant beings living in a world that we will never admit that we DONT fully understand.
Basically because we don’t understand ourselves.
Everything has become a threat to us, so to eliminate that threat we kill our neighbors, and eventually we kill ourselves.
We don’t know how to STOP.
Some may say its in our nature.
We know that the earth’s life span ticks away with time as does ours.
But do we understand that we C_UT it shorter then it out to be?
I think we do that’s why we fight.
As stupid as we are, we are not fools to misunderstand that this is a race to the top and the only way to win is if while you are at the number one spot, the top of your game the finishing line is no more than millimeters away.
What good is being first at the start of the race only to end up last by the end of the race?
So the solution is to bring the end to you.
Forget about the generations behind.
Pollute their air, destroy their land, and waste their resources.
Kill their ancestors, murder their parents.
Why do we fight?
Because SOMEONE always has to WIN!


Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Hello World what’s up?
So it’s Feb 24th 2010 and technically it is still Black History Month so I don’t want to see no slack from yal out there talking about how I’m so late. Anyways I thought it very important to at least say a few words on this blog about the Legacy of Black People and not just to shove a whole load of facts down your throat. I was reading an issue from my school news paper “Excalibur” and it was talking about Black History Month (BHM) and how we get lost in the facts and the history and totally are ignorant to the fact that we are now living what will be considered Black History to the future generations. And needless to say that knocked me over like a ton of bricks. It brought me back to a conversation I was having with Mr. Gooden my business partner and co-founder of The Envisioners Productions about today’s music and what could possibly be seen as the musical revolution of the future. We touched on issues like “we think that we have reached the pivotal point. And that everything that might ever be made in music has already been made and discovered.” Clearly we are limiting ourselves to the events of the past, not as much as even recognizing the fact that in order for our future, or legacy as described by the article to bring forth new ideas, creations, and achievements we need to look forward and push towards our own destiny.
Harriet Tubman, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, Maya Angelou, Shirley Cesar, Scissile Tyson, Nelson Mandela just to name a few, didn’t go through what they did so that they could be hung up on a wall for black people of the future to gaze at. NO! They did what they did because they understood that there was a better calling for the future of their children, and children’s children, and so on. I highly doubt that they would condone the very idea of BHM because we are very much capable of doing ground breaking acts and making world shaking changes in OUR PRESENT DAY!
This BHM I am imploring everyone to disregard our traditional ways of celebration, get out of the past and press on towards the future! If all of our greats had celebrated BHM the way we do we would all still be SLAVES! Working for Massa down at the plantation! SNAP OUT OF IT PEOPLE! We can make great changes today, and many black people have been integral members of our society today making a difference, seeking out to create a better future for their children, and children’s children. We have not discovered all that there is to be made as yet. We are still an integral part of BLACK HISTORY the legacy continues.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Love Knows No Bounds

lol yah so I saw this picture and thought it was so cute at first ... then I thought about it for a second... Who the hell is gonna pick them up when their finished???...i'll leave you to think about that one.


Monday, February 1, 2010

The importance of Action vs Reactions

Hey coming to yal with a short blog. It is so important for us to understand the importance of Actions and our Reactions to them. This short story tells a lot about this important part of life. Remember that every action that you make in life will evoke an array of possible reactions. So in knowing these facts always strive to do the best and be the best you especially when you are interacting with others. Being da queen *itch is not a good look 24/7. And not to mention yal hustlers that be hustling even at granny's b-day party got your swag looking like the long walk Bob the town drunk had to walk during his last DUI. It aint hot, it aint fresh, it aint swag. People need to start understanding that in order to have your game on point, you gotta have a point to your game. Who knows what your killer smile can do for an un suspecting stranger who just happens to be having a really bad day? You can do so much good unaware and these are the most important moments that make up our lives.


The Cab Ride
Author Unknown

I arrived at the address and honked the horn.
After waiting a few minutes I walked to the
door and knocked.. 'Just a minute', answered a
frail, elderly voice. I could hear something
being dragged across the floor.
After a long pause, the door opened.. A small woman in her 90's stood before me. She was wearing a print dress and a pillbox hat with a veil pinned on it, like somebody out of a 1940's movie.
By her side was a small nylon suitcase. The apartment looked as if no one had lived in it for years. All the furniture was
covered with sheets.
There were no clocks on the walls, no
knickknacks or utensils on the counters.
In the corner was a cardboard box filled with
photos and glassware.

'Would you carry my bag out to
the car?' she said. I took the suitcase to the
cab, then returned to assist the woman.

She took my arm and we walked slowly toward the curb.

She kept thanking me for my kindness. 'It's nothing', I
told her.. 'I just try to treat my passengers
the way I would want my mother

'Oh, you're such a good boy', she said.
When we got in the cab, she gave me an address
and then asked, 'Could you drive
through downtown?'

'It's not the shortest way,' I answered quickly..

'Oh, I don't mind,' she said. 'I'm in no hurry.
I'm on my way to a hospice'.

I looked in the rear-view mirror.
Her eyes were glistening. 'I don't have
any family left,' she continued in a soft voice..
'The doctor says I don't have very long.'
I quietly reached over and shut off the meter.

'What route would you like me to take?' I asked.

For the next two hours, we drove through the city.
She showed me the building where she had once
worked as an elevator operator.

We drove through the neighborhood where she and
her husband had lived when they were
newlyweds. She had me pull up in front of a
furniture warehousethat had once been a
ballroom where she had gone dancing as a girl.

Sometimes she'd ask me to slow in front of a
particular building or corner and would sit staring
into the darkness, saying nothing.

As the first hint of sun was creasing the
horizon, she suddenly said, 'I'm tired. Let's go now'.

We drove in silence to the address she had given me.
It was a low building, like a small convalescent home,
with a driveway that passed under a portico.

Two orderlies came out to the cab as soon as we pulled up.
They were solicitous and intent, watching her every move.
They must have been expecting her.

I opened the trunk and took the small suitcase to
the door. The woman was already seated in a wheelchair.

'How much do I owe you?' she asked, reaching into her purse.

'Nothing,' I said

'You have to make a living,' she answered.

'There are other passengers,' I responded.

Almost without thinking, I bent and gave her a hug.
She held onto me tightly.

'You gave an old woman a little moment
of joy,' she said. 'Thank you.'

I squeezed her hand, and then walked into the
dim morning light.. Behind me, a door shut.
It was the sound of the closing of a life..

I didn't pick up any more passengers that shift.
I drove aimlessly lost in thought.
For the rest of that day, I could hardly talk.
What if that woman had gotten an angry
driver, or one who was impatient
to end his shift? What if I had refused to take
the run, or had honked once, then driven away?

On a quick review, I don't think that I have
done anything more important in my life.

We're conditioned to think that our lives
revolve around great moments.

But great moments often catch us unaware-beautifully
wrapped in what others may consider a small one.

You won't get any big surprise
in 10 days if you send this to ten people. But,
you might help make the world a little kinder
and more compassionate by sending it on and
reminding us that often it is the random acts of
kindness that most benefit all of us.

Thank you, my

Sunday, January 31, 2010


I saw this picture on a site and I just had to comment. To all of those out there who feel that they are in a relationship thats odder then a squash and a strawberry in a peapod look at this picture... In the words of the late Micheal Jackson "you are not alone."
arent they just so cute... why can't we all just get a long? "we owe nothing but love, just love, sweet love." - Etena


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Captain Planet IS MY HERO!!

* Note... I just had to put this video in its stinking hilarious LOL GO CAPTAIN PLANET lol read the blog below

Captain Planet Really Was My Hero!

By: Natalie M.
Date: January 25, 2010

“Captain Planet he’s our hero
Gonna chase pollution down to zero
Gonna help him put [them] (2) under
Bad guys who like to loot and plunder…” (1)

The lyric of this song plays in my mind every now and again. I can remember waking up early Saturday mornings in the 90’s as a kid and watching what many would describe today as good wholesome television. Yes they were cartoons, and even though back then it was manly for entertainment and enjoyment, subconsciously we were learning great wonderful tidbits of knowledge about our environment and planet. This knowledge came so clear to us in a manner that we could understand then easily, yet the concept was so big that we still cherish it and heed to those same teachings in our more mature years. Those were the days.

So, why are there no prominent environmental shows for the younger generations of today? How will they learn to take care of our planet? It is sad to say that there are very scares preprogramming like Captain Planet available to the young generations of today. No more television shows like Captain Planet, Tarzan, Smurfs, Widget the World Watcher, or even Bill Nye the Science Guy. These shows that talked about saving the planet, respecting the animals, learning to speak for nature and its inhabitants when they are not able to speak for themselves, and better understanding the habitat that we call home have now been replaced with shows of a more popular economic consumer motive. Show’s like Degrassi : The Next generation, Sailor Moon, Pokémon, Digimon that would benefit big media corporations not only by the amount of views they had on their shows but by marketing strategies that helped them to create consumer products like action figures, card games, fashion accessories and clothes that related to the show for kids to get their parents to buy it for them. This is now where the money and the motives lay and the younger generations are being sucked into their trap like a swarm of bees to honey.

There needs to be a change. Television networks need to install more environmentally friendly TV programming for the younger generations like they did when I was growing up. It helped my generation to be more environmentally alert citizens which is lacking in those who are coming up after us. It seems that as consumerism takes the lead as a popular trend the media could care less about environmental consciousness being sold out as well.
It is wrong, saddening and immoral from many view points. Having shows like Captain Planet in my youth has helped me to become a more environmentally conscious person, and many people of my generation who I have gotten an opportunity to talk about our influences for environmental choices that we make often point back to television shows that we had watched and enjoyed during our youth. I see the difference when I look at how my brother and sister interact with their environment only being three to five years apart from me, they have missed out on being able to be impacted by these shows that have helped me to understand that it is indeed wrong to throw my garbage on the street, or that we should take every opportunity we can to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. These values are now harder for them to grasp where as to those like me it becomes our second nature.

What are we to think when the media presents such a dual message to us? On one hand they are begging for us to wake up and change because we are now at a point where we see the negative impact that our negligence has done to our planet, and on the other hand they are feeding the younger generations of tomorrow the notion that it is okay to remain practicing these careless acts of over indulgence, and consumerism from their tender ages. The same minds that they are polluting could otherwise be the impacting change for a greener future with the right mind set and values instilled into their lives. Words like…

“We're the planeteers,
You can be one too!
'Cause saving our planet is the thing to do,
Looting and polluting is not the way,
Hear what Captain Planet has to say:” (1)

I for one am grateful for the sense of power these shows let me understand that I posses as a person who is willing to help keep our planet as healthy as possible. I believe that by putting back shows like these on the television for the younger generations to watch enjoy and learn we can gain a greater much needed response for the future. They need to understand that…

“THE POWER IS [THEIRS] (3) !”(1) too.



(1) Lyrics to captain planet theme song provided by:
(2) us original word replaced with {them}
(3) YOURS original word replaced with {THEIRS}

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Your Social Responsibility (A Reflection)

Poverty Stricken Societies Don’t Matter
Blog # 3

* INTRO: just in the spirit of taking action within our global community here are some words written by Natamil and G-Slient about Social Responsibility. SOAK IT IN YAL!

Poverty stricken societies don't matter; if you hungry or sick people still throwing food in garbage as if its water that replenishes itself through the earth’s impeccable filters. How many people are dying each day? Have you ever asked yourself if you are even trying? Africans and other members of third world countries suffering the worst times and people likes us are so spoiled. If I had a chance I'd trade my life they deserve it more than us people who are skinny and think its good, while they are dying because they can’t eat. And fat people eat too much. So that it’s hard to walk with so much weight. The balance is uneven, yet we are so perfect at masking it all, trying to maintain this unequal balance.

You only have one time, one chance, at the right time to live for this moment, concentrating on nothing less than the future. The earth its people our societies, communities, races, and species those are our concern now and forever, live in this moment for them.

Watching television we see people who need clothes on their back, food on the table, a roof over their heads. We have more precipitation of people fleeing their countries of origin to congregate with the masses of submerged needs and dreams governed and implanted by the greater supremacies that undermine, despise, and exile even the purest traces of our diverse ethnicities then we have the nourishing precipitation of water. All of this is because our people are losing their way that's why it’s best to send them to different countries; for the better or the worse. Whether or not you see them again, it doesn’t matter because survival is the key. Not together but apart when they can stop a group, they cannot single you out alone. But how does it feel to be alone?

How does it feel to be poor and struggling to get a pay check only to pay it out to everyone else so that they can feast on the fruits of your labor? To have to strip to get food stamps, girls are selling their body for money, and guys selling drugs and dropping out of school. People not getting the chance to live their lives up to 20, and if you past those premature years you are considered lucky?

As a matter of fact look in the mirror you’re lucky. You’re living while others died they can't live any longer. There is no more “always fight till the end,” because the end was all they were fighting for.

We still live in a world where young kids are working for their families, others putting money away to save up just enough to get out. Who would have even thought that it could be as simple as some paper with numbers on it, some coins with a special stamp could be the key and answer to a persons freedom. Then we look at it and think who is really in control.

It’s hard watching these shows it’s sad to be a kid and have flies on my face cuts and bruises on my skin. How can I save them, have you ever stopped to think? About their lives or lack of life, and how we live our life, or rather give it away? About the unequal balance that we fight so hard to keep? Have you ever tried? All I know is that I think about them each day. I pray that one day it will come together, let us see you living only once, cause it never comes twice, and strive to give your kids, our kids, their kids the things even better then what you’ve got.


It is Our Responsibility (A thought on the recent events of Haiti)

“It’s our responsibility “A thought on Recent events in Haiti
Blog #2
Where can I begin?
When I heard about the events that had happened on the little island called Haiti to be honest it didn’t register to me what exactly had happened. I heard very little about it because I don’t really listen to the local news due to the fact that it is often filled with stereotypical degradations of ethnic minorities who commit crimes in urban dwellings against their own people but anyways that is a story for another time. So in my mind I thought it was just some minor tremor that was over exaggerated to add some hype to the news stations. The big story for the beginning of the year, the one they mention just before 2011 rolls in as one of the great stories of 2010. But how sad it is for me to say that I was wrong and this was not the case, the devastation is indeed very grave, and if anything the news reporters could not explain enough how much of a tragedy the earthquake is. Although I cannot explain why things like these happen and will not ever try to justify a reason for hundreds of thousands of lives being “stole” as I like to call it, I will address two issues out of the insurmountable number of issues that has arisen and probably will continue to arise concerning the way that we as humans, as societies, global communities, and sentient beings react, respond, and relate to this catastrophe.
1. It Is Our Responsibility…
One of the things that I have observed with this event in particular in comparison to events that have happened in the past is the willingness and urgent responsiveness to this situation. What I mean is we have taken it upon ourselves as a global community to help out Haiti. This is something that I have not seen before with recent events. Or rather the level of camaraderie that we are showing in the few days that this tragedy has happened has never been demonstrated before on this level. We are very aware of the Katrina situation, in which even though many people were touched and trouble by the devastation, the urgent press to help was not demonstrated as quickly as it is being demonstrated now. I sit and wonder what could be the cause for this? And I figure that because there was a public accusation directed to the government especially the American government with not helping out its own citizen’s people are now trying to make up. Now that’s just what I think. And frankly this sense of guilt that has swept us as a nation, continent, and global society is working towards their benefit and eventually our benefit. After all I truly without a doubt believe that these sorts of situations are our responsibility, to help our fellow persons in times of devastation and hopelessness is something that we must take on ourselves. And it pains me to see when these situations happen that it is only a few who take on the reigns and run to the rescue. Too many times have crossed my path where people are unable to empathetically react, respond, and relate effectively towards these situations, especially in North America where these sorts of catastrophes rarely occur. Many people look at the news and basically pass it on and would never think twice about doing something or taking action. I would really like to know if it is a matter of the situation being too big that we think it very hard to even take time to make ourselves knowledgeable about the situation. Or is it that we do not care? Whatever the case may be people I urge you to take some action. Even if it is giving a donation to a charity that will appropriate the funds accordingly to help others who are in need. Things do not mend themselves and if everyone sits down and refuses to take a stand then there will be no progress. Never think that the little you can do won’t make an impact. We need to understand that everything that is done whether for good or for bad affects something, or someone out there. So when you do something to help it affects the life of even one person, and that one life counts. YOU count. So make a better change today!

I will continue with part II another time…
2. Cheating Ourselves to Win…


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Soldier Boy and watch me Make a damn fool out of Myself

Note* don't mind dat song at the end LMAO

Now before I start let me just say that this is not an attack on the boyz doing the dance. Dey don’t kno betta lmao. It is solely a critic on all these new dumb ass dances coming out with even dumber titles. Before we do that lets just get some history involved. According to my knowledge this recent trend with new dances started all the way in the Caribbean islands. The places most infamous for their dancehalls, islands like J.A. (Jamaica), Guyana, Barbados. This is where it all began. (Figuratively speaking cause we know that the 50’s was filled with new trend dances popping out like a baby’s head in labor.)Elephant Man coming out with his ground breaking dancehall video “Signal di Plane” and his even more intriguing dance moves that people could actually do. LOL it was never a challenge to wave two hands in the air like you were hauling down the bus to avoid being late for work. And so it evolved from Elephant Man and Sean Paul, all the way down to Solider Boy, and Young Jeezy. There could be no more drastic of a change. I mean it started out being something that everyone could do and enjoy but now it’s like you have to get your own personal dance trainer to learn all these moves, only to look retard. I’d rather not.
CYA , Respect.

*n dem boi deh mek da jerk look gud doe i aint gonna lie

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hey People whats up!

This is just a quick intro to say well come to our BLOGSPOT.

This is where you will find the newest information on just about anything we feel like sharing. Post you comments, questions, and more and we will hit you up!

CYA Respect,

Envisioners Productions