“It’s our responsibility “A thought on Recent events in Haiti
Blog #2
Where can I begin?
When I heard about the events that had happened on the little island called Haiti to be honest it didn’t register to me what exactly had happened. I heard very little about it because I don’t really listen to the local news due to the fact that it is often filled with stereotypical degradations of ethnic minorities who commit crimes in urban dwellings against their own people but anyways that is a story for another time. So in my mind I thought it was just some minor tremor that was over exaggerated to add some hype to the news stations. The big story for the beginning of the year, the one they mention just before 2011 rolls in as one of the great stories of 2010. But how sad it is for me to say that I was wrong and this was not the case, the devastation is indeed very grave, and if anything the news reporters could not explain enough how much of a tragedy the earthquake is. Although I cannot explain why things like these happen and will not ever try to justify a reason for hundreds of thousands of lives being “stole” as I like to call it, I will address two issues out of the insurmountable number of issues that has arisen and probably will continue to arise concerning the way that we as humans, as societies, global communities, and sentient beings react, respond, and relate to this catastrophe.
1. It Is Our Responsibility…
One of the things that I have observed with this event in particular in comparison to events that have happened in the past is the willingness and urgent responsiveness to this situation. What I mean is we have taken it upon ourselves as a global community to help out Haiti. This is something that I have not seen before with recent events. Or rather the level of camaraderie that we are showing in the few days that this tragedy has happened has never been demonstrated before on this level. We are very aware of the Katrina situation, in which even though many people were touched and trouble by the devastation, the urgent press to help was not demonstrated as quickly as it is being demonstrated now. I sit and wonder what could be the cause for this? And I figure that because there was a public accusation directed to the government especially the American government with not helping out its own citizen’s people are now trying to make up. Now that’s just what I think. And frankly this sense of guilt that has swept us as a nation, continent, and global society is working towards their benefit and eventually our benefit. After all I truly without a doubt believe that these sorts of situations are our responsibility, to help our fellow persons in times of devastation and hopelessness is something that we must take on ourselves. And it pains me to see when these situations happen that it is only a few who take on the reigns and run to the rescue. Too many times have crossed my path where people are unable to empathetically react, respond, and relate effectively towards these situations, especially in North America where these sorts of catastrophes rarely occur. Many people look at the news and basically pass it on and would never think twice about doing something or taking action. I would really like to know if it is a matter of the situation being too big that we think it very hard to even take time to make ourselves knowledgeable about the situation. Or is it that we do not care? Whatever the case may be people I urge you to take some action. Even if it is giving a donation to a charity that will appropriate the funds accordingly to help others who are in need. Things do not mend themselves and if everyone sits down and refuses to take a stand then there will be no progress. Never think that the little you can do won’t make an impact. We need to understand that everything that is done whether for good or for bad affects something, or someone out there. So when you do something to help it affects the life of even one person, and that one life counts. YOU count. So make a better change today!
I will continue with part II another time…
2. Cheating Ourselves to Win…
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